Being versus Doing A few weeks ago we published an article describing the main rationale behind “Say what is,” the narrative of […]
Fearing the Fear
Fearing the Fear A few weeks ago I thought of the appointments of the week ahead of me. One of […]
The Joy of doing Chores
The Joy of doing Chores When I moved to Berlin I unpacked, cleaned, did a big shopping tour to IKEA, bought a […]
Impostor Syndrome
Impostor Syndrome During my Master in Astronomy I had a great office mate whom I could discuss daily struggles with. […]
Say what is!
Say what is! “Say what is” is our blog’s subtitle, and it is the thread running through our posts. Because […]
Hi, how are you?
Hi, how are you? “Hi, how are you?” is a common greeting. “Fine, thanks – How are you?” is the […]
Best before, not absolutely deadly from
Best before, not absolutely deadly from Taking the risk that you will find me gross and never want to eat […]
Tipps & Tricks to find an apartment in Berlin
Many people asked me to share where I found apartments, so this is a comprehensive list of all the information […]
The Paradox of Choice
The Paradox of Choice It is great that our wealth and prosperity, at least in the Western world, is much […]
My crazy Berlin apartment hunt
My crazy Berlin apartment hunt People told me it was going to be very hard to find a flat in […]